I was looking for a “pick me up” and coincidentally I needed a 1/48th scale pick-up truck bed for this model project I’m working on. Scratch building is relaxing and is a feel good “pick me up” when the tiny pieces come together with a satisfying result.
I do a lot of online research when model making and so I found a drawing with measurements for a 1940 Ford pick-up truck that would do the trick. I created CAD drawings and laser cut the parts. The fenders, cut from .25” basswood, were sanded to the proper shape, but had to be hollow, so I vac-u-formed two fenders from .010” sheet styrene.

I created the impression of stamped sides and tailgate by sandwiching 3 pieces of sheet styrene, one with the “hole”, one solid and the outer one with the inside of the “hole”.

Some .047” styrene rod, laser cut pieces (for the stake side post holders?) and the end result is a bed for a 1939 Ford pick-up truck.

To see the rest of the model build go here: https://www.riethcreations.com/post/making-a-1-48-scale-1939-ford-pick-up-truck